Mushroom book

Mushroom signals, in 5 languages editions: Engels, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and Russian.

Look, think, act

‘Mushroom signals’ teaches composting managers and mushroom growers to optimize their production process by showing them how to pay attention to signals from daily practice. Not to jump to conclusions, but to always ask yourself three questions: What do I see? Why does this happen? What can I do about it? Example: What do I see? A day after watering the floor is still wet and the casing soil looks shiny. Why does this happen? Too little moisture is removed.

Because of this the pinheads of the second flush cannot grow out properly and bacterial blotches may appear. What can I do about it? Decrease the RH (relative humidity) and CO2 (carbondioxide). This is one of the many signals with which you can optimize the production and quality of the mushrooms.

A mushroom grows four percent per hour! By asking a picker to harvest more often per day from the same bed, you can achieve an increased production of at least ten per cent. So coaching of your employees is as important as monitoring your mushrooms.

book mushroom growth


book mushroom growth

Develop your signals antenna

The circumstances in which mushrooms are grown are different around the world. But the signals that you can pick up from compost and mushrooms are the same everywhere. On every spot on every moment you can pick up signals… as long as you put your ‘signals antenna’ on. ‘Mushroom Signals’ helps you develop this antenna.

Price and ordering

‘Mushroom Signals’ has a luxury hard cover, a 21 x 27 cm format, contains 150 full color pages and about 450 photos. Is available in 5 languages, in English, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and Russian. 

The price is € 69,90 (excl. VAT and shipping costs).

Mushroom Signals (English edition)

Mushroom Signals (Dutch edition)

Mushroom Signals (Polish edition)

Mushroom Signals (Chinese edition)

Mushroom Signals (Russian edition)

Mushroom signals, in 5 languages editions:
Engels, Dutch, Polish, Chinese and Russian.

Christmas holiday

Due Christmas holiday Mushroom Office is closed from

23 December to 5 January.

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